Wednesday 28 September 2011

Sannah Helwa....

sannatul helwa ya jamila~~
sannatul helwa ya jamila~~
sannatul helwa ya umi yusrina~~
sannatul helwa ya jamila...

thanks to mak n abah yg bg ak change utk hidup kt muka bumi nie..
selama nie ak pkir ak dilahirkn kt Hospital Besut..rupa2nya.......
2 tahun lps bru ak tau ak dilahirkan kt umah jer...huhu
sedeyh bangat sih..=(
tokwan ak yg bg nama yg ak guna sampai sekarang..
terima kasih tokwan....bkn tokwan fifi k!.. hehe...

dh msok drjah 1..
dr sni la ak start belajar m'baca,m'nulis n m'nyayi...."__"

taun nie aku amik exam UPSR..mak ak nk sgt anak dy nie dpt result bagus..
alhamdulillah,,ak result ak ok la.. 4A 1C...
mmg x sngka!!..ak sndri pon trkjut..haha

time ni ak form 3...nk amik PMR...dh la  exam time bulan posa..
mcm kta p.ramlee "coobaaaannn"..hehe
abis je last paper ak terus bungkus kain bju n brg-brg nk bwk blik umah..
maklum la bdk dok asrama..b'bulan x blik umah..
lps pada tue ak x g dh skolah smpi btol2 cuti sekolah..
org lain cuti sebulan...ak cuti 2 bulan..hahaha
mmg 'jahat' giler kot ak kt skolah..suka cuti lbh2..haha
dok tgu2..result PMR pon kluar..
msti takot kn??dh la 2 bulan cuti 'skolah'..
result ak x ok sgt... 5A 4B jer...=[

taun ak amik exam pling last yag ada kt skolah mngah..kt skolah ak je la,,,
SPM...mmg ssh giler baban...2 thun bljr untuk amik SPM..kalo fail??
mmg hncur hidup ak..mse tue bdk2 lg...haha..pkir x pnjg..
abis je last paper,,batch ak wat dinner mlm tue..meriah skan la coz dh abis exam
result SPM ak pon ckop2 makan jer..4A1 1A2 3B3 1C5 2C6..ok la...

taun nie ak dh msok study kt uitm puncak lg....x pnat ke??
mula2 mmg xcited la coz dpt msuk U..hahah...dh la amik course NURSING..
mmg dugaaaaaannnnn......................
ingtkn best la dpt jd misi...rupa2nya?????
bnyk giler bnde yg ak kna thu n amik thu kalo nk keje nie....
huh!!..dh start rse mnyesal la plak...hahah
nk wat cmne ank yg baik ank yg mndgr kata...
slalu ikot ckp mak pak...-_-

taun nie dh msok 5 sem ak blajar nursing...cmna nk treat patient..nk bg ubat..
mcm2 lg la....kalo nk citer sal nursing..mmg x sudah...
nk di jadikn cerita..skrg nie mgu exam...suratan @ kebetulan??
ari nie ak jwb exam emergency n neurology..
fuh!!..bkn main sedap dok bulat2 kt omr paper...msuk jer soaln subjektif..tba2 otak
ak blank..huhu..x tau la cmne result exam ak sem nie..uhhuhu
dh la satu kejadian yg ak xnk n mntk smpng jauh2 dh berlaku...
lpas nie ak nekad xnk dh kelih kiri kanan...kalo kwn2 yg rpt ngan ak xpe la...
mmg tkot gilar..ketar lutut ak..nk jalan pon rse x terdaya..
rse cm nk nangis jer dlm dewan td..apekn daya air mata tok se tubik...huhu...
i promise that i will never do that!!!

k la..n start study utk exam esok...wish me luck!!...

Tuesday 27 September 2011

kembali aktif bersama :netball:

ptg smlm lps abis osce ak blik dengan syuhada aziz..naik keta dy..
kecik2 dy pon dh pndai bwk keta..
aku??xtau la bila bleh bwk..lesen pon xde..hahah

sambung pasal netball plak..ak trun kt cafe rafflesia..
cadang nk beli mknan tba2 teringat plak nk g unit sukan tnya sal KARiSMA..
mklum la ak ni kn suka main netball...
ak pon g la jmpa staff yg jga kaunter dpn kt unit sukan tue...ak tnya la dy,,,

"akak sy nk bg nma utk netball KARiSMA..pnyertaan dh ttup ke"

dy pon jwb..
"eh,ptg nie kn ade prjmpaan utk netball...xbce notis ke?"

aduh!!..kna sbjik...haha..tu la sape suh x bca notis kt dh kna..haha
ak pon x puas ati,,,trus msj utk confirmkn dgn cik kamsiah (coach netball/org unit sukan)..
n then bla dy dh confirmkn trus post kt fb...niat ati nk la ajk bdk2 nursing main skali..
ye ni final year utk ak main kt uitm..insyaallah wakil uitm..hahah(tu pon kalo t'plih)

ptg smlm dlm pkul 5,,ak,kak pauline n fadh trun g court...
ingtkn xde yg berminat nk main..rupa-rupanya dh rmai yg tgu kt court tue...
dlm ati pkir msti ak x t'plih cz ade lg yg terer dr ak..
dlm pkul 6 cik kamsiah suh ak take over bdk2 yg main ntball..agak malu la jgk...
dh lam x main skill pon dh kureng la..last2 ak kn jd refree..huh!!..ak pnya la desprate nk main,,
tp cik kamsiah suh jd refree plak..jd bidan trjun la ak ptg tue..hahaha...

last skali dpt la jgk ak main..haha..hilang desprate aku..haha...
esok ptg cik kamsiah psn suh trun plak..
hepi x sangga ak bleh main netball ptg smlm..hahah

nie gmbar2 time KARiSMA 2010...kt shah alam..
taun nie kat UiTM segamat plak..jln2 keliling johor la taun nie..haha

team netball puncak alam

muka hepi even xdpt msuk perbarisan kontijen..hehe

dr blkng: kak iza, kak lisa, kak nash, kak ayu, kak nad(coach), kak aina, kak najat, kak suraya
 dr dpn: kak haziqah, fadh, ayu, aku, mardhiah


posing kt bas Uitm johor

atlet-atlet puncak alam

perbarisan kontijen...ramai nie jer yg smpt msuk cz dyorg dtg awal...

Sunday 25 September 2011



sbut jer OSCE msti bdk2 nurse jd kecut perut....
so,,jom pakat rmai2 kta minum air serabut perut...
mengenangkn OSCE..x semena-mena otak ak stuck...blur,,,jem
kcian kt otak nk kna save bnyk giler bnde..exam lg,,osce lg,,

Gud luq for everyone!!!...gambate kudasai!!.fighting!!

Thursday 22 September 2011

latest korean drama


hari nie ak nak bercerita psal citer korea....
ak nie suka tgk citer korea..but lately ak trsangat la mls nk download...hehe
cm la x tau kalo drama korea msti b'belas-belas or b'puluh episode..
td ak jln2 kt ak nmpk da 2 3 citer bru...antaranya:

A mystery investigative drama about a vampire.
Prosecutor Min Tae Yeon (Yun Jung Hoon) is bitten by somebody and becomes a Vampire. Tae Yeon rejects the life of a vampire and he survives by drinking the blood of dead people and still lives as a righteous prosecutor .
Tae Yeon also uses his new founded abilities as a Vampire to prosecute powerful persons normally thought above the law. A mysterious case then occurs and the evidence points to a Vampire as the perpetrator. Tae Yeon now knows that he is not the only Vampire. He also ponders why he became a Vampire and what truths may lie behind their motives.

citer nie ade 20 episode...bln 10 nie bru kluar...

Yun Jung Hoon as Min Tae Yeon
Lee Young Ah as Yoo Jung In
Lee Won Jong as Hwang Soon Bum
Jang Hyun Sung as Jang Chul Oh



This drama is the story of the members life savers of the coast guard. The drama is based on the special duties of the Korean Coast Guard officers (rescues, terrorism threats, and other special missions) and also their obstacle in life and love. The drama takes its name from the Poseidon Team, a special forces unit of the Marines. Using the strong bonds of humanity as a basis, and through the challenges faced by the protagonists and their spirit of self-sacrifice, the drama movingly shows the significance of life and the stories of how people overcome obstacles in life.
Kim Sun Woo, who spent his school days as a troublemaker, decides to make a change in his life and joins the sea special attack team, which is called Poseidon. Sun Woo works as a promising commando, but he unexpectedly becomes entangled in an unsavory incident after 2 years. He is demoted and is sent to a maritime police office in Gunsan city. Sun Woo’s passion cools down and he slowly loses his vision as a maritime policeman. Then one day, Jung Ryul, who has formed a new crime investigation section in Incheon city, visits Sun Woo and asks him to join the team.

drama nie plak ada 16 episode..citer ni dh start tyg kt KBS2 time ak attend fisrt final exam 19 sept lps..

Choi Si Won as Kim Sun Woo
Lee Si Young as Lee Soo Yoon
Lee Sung Jae as Kwon Jung Ryul
Han Jung Soo as Oh Min Hyuk
Jung Woon Taek as Lee Choong Shik
Kil Yong Woo as Oh Yong Gap
Jang Dong Jik as Kang Joo Min
U Know Yunho as Kang Eun Cheul

A Russian organized crime group is set out to steal an advanced chemical weapon from Korea and two secret agents are out to stop them. One is a veteran secret agent named AHN Soo-ji who is a master of all forms of martial arts and envied by her comrades. Another is a rookie named LEE Jae-joon who’s never been out on the field and always goofs up on the job. The two agents don’t know each other’s secret identity. All that they know is that they hate each other. As a couple that is... Soo-ji and Jae-joon were once a passionate couple until Jae-joon couldn’t take her lies anymore. But all Soo-ji was trying to do was hide her secret identity. Nonetheless, the two went on their separate ways and by coincidence bump into each other years later while out on the job. As the two work out their screwy relationship, they go behind each other’s backs to fulfill their mission to save the world.

movie nie ak dh tgk..hahaha..klakar giler...=]

Kim Ha-neul As Ahn Soo-ji
Kang Ji-hwan As Lee Jae-joon
Ryoo Seung-yong As Weon-seok

Jang Young-nam As Team leader Hong
Kang Shin-il As Doctor Noh

*kalo nk tgk cast dy,,cari kt google images ye...

copyright from

Tuesday 20 September 2011

oh Kang Gary..pretending Vs pretending

ak bru abis tgk RM a.k.a Running Man episode 60..thanks to nor hidayat yg drag ak utk mnat korea nie..heheh..skrg dy trik zureen plak..dlu t'lampau fanatik ngan skrg dh berpling arah kt TVXQ a.k.a DBSK a.k.a Dong Bang Shin Ki plak sbb SUJU dh xde prkmbngan sgt kot or dy dh abis explore dr A to Z sal SUJU..kalo nk tau pape sal korea bleh la rujuk kt yat..hahah..yat jgn marah ek..
pape pon ak ttp ngan sokong SS501 even dyorg dh x 1 group lg..huhu..kalo nk bercerita psal artis korea nie mmg smpi esok pg pon x kn abis..(yeke??)...
nie la Kang Gary.. favourite korean band..

DBSK..5 members..yat ngan zureen fanatik sgt kt band nie

Super junior..13 members..dh di pinggirkn oleh yat..haha
berbalik pd RM td...episode 60 mmg kelakar abis..ksian kat Gary..gara-gara nk jd spy..last2 dy yg kna prank...hahaha..mmg kesian giler...plan pnya plan..last-last sume members tau yg dy tue spy n dyorg kna pretend yg dyorg x thu yg Gary tue spy...haha..pape pon...Gary mmg x leh jd spy...muka dy x bleh blah..hahaha..bla joong kook pnggil pon dy wat x nmpk jer...lost eye contact...hahaha
Monday Couple..ji hyo and gary
at least dy dh pnah jd spy..haha..smpi shooting ending pon dy x thu yg org lain main-main kn dy..haha..blik ngan muke happy jer...

next episode kt China plak..kt tmbok besar China...msti best kn dpt bjln merata-rata...dh la g x pkai duit poket msing..sume sponsor..best3XX!

note: RM terbaek!..hehe

MooD: bestnye dok kt umah!!..

knape saya suka rumah sy???
sbb kt rumah best...ada mak,ayah,abg,adik-adik n..... ada mkanan yg sedap-sedap..hehe..
ak nie jenis yg suka makan..pantang tgk msti ak sambar..hahah.

Sunday 18 September 2011

on your mark,,get set,,go!!

today is may first day wat blog..
xtau nk create pe lg....
esok dh la first day for final exam...
otak ak dh tepu x larat nk tmpung dh..haha
lps exam esok smbung blogging lg..
k..gud luq!!!